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Alan Sternik and Elana Eytan
Ann Bromley
Ari Moshe Wolfe
Catriona Blanke
Cayelin Castell and Martha Alter Hines
Chris Skidmore
Chris Skidmore
Chris Skidmore and Martha Alter Hines
Daniel Sowelu and Martha Alter Hines
Divine Peace Garden Collective
Erin Duffy-Burke and Martha Alter Hines
Evan McGown, LMFT
Heather Ensworth
Jennifer Ruth Russell
Kelley Hunter, Ph.D.
Kelley Hunter, Ph.D.
Martha Alter Hines
Martha Alter Hines and Michelle Dench
Martha Alter Hines and Vanessa Nixon
Martha Hines, Michelle Marlahan, and Vanessa Nixon
Maura McBratney
Melanie Reinhart
Michele Cipressi
Nicki Koethner
Nick Mather, Ph.D.
Vanessa Nixon
Verena Borell
Verena Borell and Martha Alter Hines
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Melanie Reinhart: Introducing the Centaurs
Available until
Explore the Context, Cosmology, Mythology, Meaning of Chiron, Chariklo, Pholus and Nessus
Melanie Reinhart
Sacred Eclipse Portal Journey
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Finding Wisdom, Healing, and Love In the Portal of This Eclipse Season and Beyond
Martha Alter Hines
Myth, Stars, and Soul: A Monthly Fireside Chat Series with Chris Skidmore
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Dive Deeply Into the Sanctity and Wisdom of the Myths of Astrology
Chris Skidmore
12 payments of $45/month
Infinite Soul Wisdom Astrology 101 Course and Sacred Journey
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A Sacred Journey of Coming Home to Your Own Knowing of the Stars, the Cosmos, the Earth, and the Wisdom of Your Soul
8 Course Bundle
12 payments of $185/month
Inner Love Journal and Video Set
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Find Your Inner Feminine and Inner Masculine and Fall In Love With Yourself to Transform Your Life and the World
Martha Alter Hines
The Anatomy and Soul of the Zodiac and Astrology Chart
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Breathing Life Back Into Our Experience of the Astrology Chart and More
Martha Alter Hines
The Anatomy and Soul of the Cosmos: The Astronomy, Astrology, and Your Soul Relationship with the Cosmos
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Explore and Remember the Planets, the Asteroids, the Centaurs, the Kuiper Belt, the Oort Cloud, and the Galactic Points
Martha Alter Hines
Venus and Mars to Shiva and Shakti
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Tracking the Relationship Evolution in Your Birth Chart
Daniel Sowelu and Martha Alter Hines
Re-Becoming the One 2023
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A Collective Gathering to Heal Our Relationships to Gender, Sexuality, Love, and Life Itself
Martha Alter Hines
Trauma Informed Basics for Astrologers and Healers
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Learn to Meet the Trauma of Your Clients and Yourself In Safe, Effective, Loving Ways
Martha Alter Hines
The Cosmic Feminine: Three Aspects of Personal Brilliance
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A "Re-Becoming the One" Workshop with Kelley Hunter
Kelley Hunter, Ph.D.
Me and Us: Exploring Aries and Libra in YOUR Natal Chart
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A "Re-Becoming the One" Workshop with Ari Moshe Wolfe
Ari Moshe Wolfe