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The Spirit and Earth Allies Soul Reunion: Discover and Deepen Your Relationships with Your Friends of the Earth and Spirit Realms
Month One: Light Beings, Angels, and Unicorns
Light Beings, Angels, and Unicorns Intro and Welcome Video (34:00)
Unicorns, Angels, and Light Beings Pinterest Board
Your Favorite Resources Regarding Unicorns, Angels, Light Beings, and the Light
Reading of Excerpt of Living the One Light Book: Introductory Section (9:47)
Light Healing Reminders
Deep Peace and Healing Session Recordings (66:25)
Share Your Own Experiences with Light Beings, Angels, and Unicorns
Month Two: Earth Beings - Fairies, Gnomes, Elves, and More
Earth Beings Intro and Welcome Video, Part 1: Goleta, California and Iceland (27:24)
Earth Beings Video, Part 2: Scotland and Arizona (46:44)
Earth Beings Pinterest Board
Your Favorite Resources Regarding Earth Beings
Reading of Excerpt of Living the One Light Book: "Gaia" Chapter (18:12)
Podcast Episode - "What of the Ground We're Standing On"
Deep Peace and Healing Session Recordings - Earth Beings (94:24)
Share Your Own Experiences with Earth Beings, Fairies, Gnomes, Elves, and More
Month Three: Ocean Beings
Ocean Beings Intro Videos (42:43)
Ocean Beings Pinterest Board
Channeled Video Sitting By the Ocean (19:07)
Special Gift Eclipse Ocean Video (14:14)
Your Favorite Resources Regarding Ocean Beings
Podcast Episode - "What of the Ground We're Standing On"
Deep Peace and Healing Session Recordings - Ocean Beings (61:13)
Share Your Own Experiences with Ocean Beings
Month Four: Inner Mountain Beings
Inner Mountain Beings Intro Video #1 (9:37)
Inner Mountain Beings Intro Video #2 (41:45)
Your Favorite Resources Regarding Inner Mountain Beings
Deep Peace and Healing Session Recordings - Inner Mountain Beings (63:08)
Share Your Own Experiences with Inner Mountain Beings
Bonus Section: Dragons
Conversation Between Martha, Cayelin Castell, and Sheridan Semple Involving Dragons!
Dragon Channeled Session (48:26)
Your Favorite Resources Regarding Dragons
Dragon Pinterest Board
Share Your Own Experiences with Dragons
"Consciousness In Bloom" Draft
Consciousness in Bloom Draft Book Downloadable pdf
Discounts on Additional Supports for You!
10% Discount on Ultimate Divine Blueprint Awakening Series
$20 Discount on "Tea with Ben-Huis" Gathering with Inner Mountain Beings
Earth Beings Video, Part 2: Scotland and Arizona
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