Contact Information for Our Guest Speakers


Heather Ensworth

Heather Ensworth, Ph.D., is an internationally known astrologer with over 25 years of experience. She has also practiced as a clinical psychologist for over 35 years. In addition, she is a shamanic practitioner and has facilitated sacred circles for women for healing and spiritual development for more than 20 years. 

She is committed to exploring and teaching ancient wisdom and healing practices for our own healing and the healing of the Earth. 

Heather is the author of the book Finding our Center: Wisdom from the Stars and Planets in Times of Change, and co-author of the books: From Trauma To Freedom: One Woman’s Journey and a Holistic Guide for Healing and Higher Vibrational Living: Through Astrology, Essential Oils and Chinese Medicine. 

YouTube channel: @HeatherEnsworth  


Email address: [email protected]

Melanie Reinhart

Melanie Reinhart was born in Zimbabwe and astrology has been central to her life since 1959. She has been offering consultations, writing and teaching worldwide since 1975. A prize-winning diploma holder of the Faculty of Astrological Studies (1979), she is now also one of their patrons. Books include "Chiron and the Healing Journey" (1989, revised 2010). Melanie has a special interest in contemplative work, for healing and learning. 


Julia Balaz

Julia Balaz is a galactic astrology researcher and guide. For many years, Julia felt guided to meticulously study Astrological Charts of her clients after their regression hypnosis (QHHT) sessions. She was looking for some verification on ET information that came up in so many sessions.

As a result of analyzing close to two thousand astrological charts, including Fixed Stars alignments, Julia feels called to share her research data confirming epic cosmic orchestration and influence of celestial bodies on our lives, supporting our collective evolution.

A passionate researcher of Souls journeying through the cosmos, Julia shares her fascinating discoveries on her social media and in her online courses.



Kelley Hunter

Kelley Hunter, Ph.D., is an internationally-known Depth Astrologer based in Vermont. Her work is informed by mythology, psycho-spirituality, creative arts, holistic and consciousness studies, as well as 1001 nights of stargazing in the Caribbean.

Her pioneering research led to two books on Lilith and the Cosmic Feminine and her playful Planetary Gods & Goddesses Coloring Book, introducing the emerging quantum realm of our expanding solar system planetoids.



Chris Skidmore

Chris Skidmore weaves together the three disciplines of Astrology, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy and Process-Oriented Psychotherapy. His work is informed by his deep love and study of Greek Mythology and its illustration of the human condition in an unfiltered dream-like language. Following in the path laid down by depth psychology, he believes that we can find resemblances of our current life situations in ancient myths. By doing so the stories often reveal creative solutions to life's seemingly impossible conundrums and cycling patterns.

He is in private practice in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia and works both in person and over Zoom. Later this year he plans to begin teaching Astrology through a mythic lens.


Instagram: @on_the_souls_terms​

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