Welcome and Initial Reflections...



Welcome to the first week of the Sacred Soul Remembrance online journey!

I am so glad you are here.

In this week, we will be having the sacred experience of remembering your soul. I am honored that you have given me the opportunity to guide you and assist you in this process.

To start, please feel free to use this "First Reflections" form to both reflect for yourself and to share with me more about where you are in your soul remembrance journey and what your hopes and intentions are for this experience: https://forms.gle/5wkgjUJuWXm94ugM6

Please do not hesitate to contact me at any time with questions, suggestions, feedback, and to share your experiences and your journey.

I am available for email support as part of this online experience as well as additional one-on-one support.

If you have chosen to have one on one support with me in addition to this online experience or if you would like to add direct sessions with me at any time, use this link to book your session with me: https://calendly.com/livingtheonelight

Please email any time for support: [email protected]

I love that you are here and I so look forward to supporting you in discovering your amazing, beautiful soul and all that your soul wants to share to and through you.

Much love,


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